Following my sermon this morning up at Northeast, a gentlemen walked up to me and said he wanted to talk. He shook my hand, gave me his name, and then identified himself as a former Elder of the congregation. He is no longer a member at Notheast. He then proceeded to tell me that my sermon was very negative and that people also needed to be told the positives of being a Christian. I thanked him for his input but also noted that way too many sermons out there are only positive or they undo the strength by ending with positives so that people don't walk away feeling bad. He restated again that the sermon should end positive and I again thanked him for his input. The sermon may have stepped on his toes as the topic had a good chance of doing that.
He then walked right out the back door and didn't stay for Bible class. Now maybe he had to go to work or something, but we all know that congregation has a problem with people skipping Bible class and services. I guess my main point is that where the shepherd leads the flock will follow. I will take his comment to heart and make sure my sermons are balanced and I have some that are positive and encouraging too. But he lost credibility with me when he walked out the door. And I also see the legacy he left behind in that congregation.
I might add that one of the members came forward this morning, obviously moved by the word of God. Also he was the first response I've ever had.
So was it too negative? I don't know. But it had an impact on one person. And the Gospel is all about one person at a time.
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